Saturday, May 18, 2013

To the Bridge

Olympic Games; Day 2; oops I mean day 5.  

An early morning. The phone rings at 7 am indiciating its time to wake up. However, I am up, dressed and ready to rock and roll.  

By 8:15 am I am standing on the site that held the Olympic Games, The orginal site. The positive about booking a tour is the history, the stories the tour guide tells you, the stories you don't read in the guide books.  Our guide tells us about how the games were to honor Zeus and all wars would stop for 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after the games. People could travel without the fear of attack if they carried a Olive Branch.   I'm listening to the stories as I snap pictures.

The downside to a guided tour is the stories and information goes on and on and on. After awhile, your ears start to bleed. And mean this literally. The listening devies so the tour guide doesn't have to yell is called a Whisper. Man, that thing hurts. And then the listening stops all together. By the time we made to the orginal track, Dan and I took off. No, we didn't run the entire 600 meters but we did walk it. And that in itself was worth the trip to Greece.   After walking the grounds of the anicent site is a museum. Naturally.

And finally lunch.

Here is another downside of a guided tour. They decide where (and when) you will eat. Lunch is at a Greek establishment called "Tourist." And what do you assoicate with the words tourist? Yes, that's right, an inflated price. We paid more for lunch (and since it waas fixed price our options where either to eat or not to eat) than have for all the lunches combined in the past five days we've been in Greece. Was it good? Did I hear you ask. Yes, it was. Almost worth the stop but a place we never would of ate there on our own.  

Back on the bus for a two hour ride to see a Bridge. Yeap. We are told its the worlds longest cable bridge. We stopped to take pictures and visit the museum naturally.   Back on the bus for a couple more hours. Arrival at the hotel at 7 pm. I am not as exhausted today.  

Thus far, I have listened to more Greek stories than I'll ever remember. I have talked to 45 interesting people. And I get to do it all again tomorrow.   Wonder where  we stop for photos tomorrow.

Hopefully a moutain.

1 comment:

  1. Great story, and scenic photos! I really enjoyed it! I feel like I'm on vacation with you. Thanks!
