Tuesday, May 21, 2013


After a zillion emails to Kayak and Travelocity and watching the same numbered shirt cruise passengers pass even more times; we moved  on to another adventure.

Bike ride through the mountains of Crete.

Crete has a billlon Olive trees. There is 50 trees per each person on the island. I am told  the Olive harvest is in December. They press the Olives three times. First press is with cold water for the best extra  virgin olive oil, second time with hot water for olive oil and the third time to sell to Italy. Each person on Crete consumes one liter of Olive oil a week. I think they drink it straight.

What I didn't expect was half as many Orange trees. Some fields of Oranges were surrounded by Olive trees. I never expected to see the two trees grow side-by-side. And naturally, lots of lemon trees and  even saw Avocado. Serious. This western side of Crete is lush and green. We are also told the White mountains are covered in snow 6 months a year.

Our bike  ride was over  four hours. Thus far, the people of Crete are very friendly and actually wave back at you. Either that they are telling me to get off the streets.

Thus far, I havent't seen any museums.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! Crete looks stunning! I love the photos of the trees, oranges and olives, and the harbor photo. Great account on Crete! (Thanks!) Sounds like you are having a great time.
