Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The day before we left on our exciting Greek  adventure (and thus museum tour) my co-worker asked if we had any glitches.

Today we had one.

Months before we left, I booked a flight from Kayak Athens to Crete. An one hour flight, less than a hundred bucks. So much cheaper than the 10 hour ferry (according to the guidebooks.)

Before we left, they had changed our flight three times. I spent hours during my lunch break attempting to change the times. They wanted to put us on a 7 pm flight) after booking a 7 am flight. Kayak even changed the date.

After an hour of being on hold, I had finally reached a representative and *believed* I had all correct. Back to the orignal date and time.

Up at 4:30 am to catch the one hour bus to the airport only to discover our tickets  were cancelled  by Kayak. Yeap. Cancelled. No email, no notice, no refund. We did the only thing we could do at that point; buy new tickets at almost triple the orginal price. At this point, we are just happy (not really happy nor pleased nor joyful but you get the picture) to be on the airplane.

That was our glitch.

Once it Chania, Crete we found a seat in  the shade at a cafe. We  watched cars go down the one-way street the wrong way (one-ways are mere suggestions) cruise ship passengers with numbers  on their  shirts looking lost & confused, and locals who walk with purpose wearing cute shoes.

During this time, I email Kayak. Within the hour I get a response. It simply said,  "sorry you experienced a problem, we did not handle that part of your travel plans. Please contact Travelocity. With kind reguards."

I think I found the real glitch.


  1. Stuff happens on vacations when you least expect it. Take more pictures!

  2. I think they are not posting more photos due to slow Internet connections?
    Another fabulous blog! Sorry to read about the flight cancellation, but it worked out, in the end.
