Sunday, July 1, 2012

Top 10 Reasons for NOT blogging

 My top ten list of reasons why I haven't been blogging.

10- Cat ate my homework. Can’t blame the dog since I don’t own a dog. however, if you’ve seenmy cat, you know this could be true. My cat is a rescue from the local no-kill shelter. He lived atthe shelter for 6 months and in that time the only exercise he got was eating. Hey, I admire thisguy. So I named him after beer, Kona Lagar. Kona brewing company is located oddly enough in Kona, Hawaii and they are in the Craft Brew Alliance with Widmer which makes the beer widelyaccessible in the main land. I suppose I will blog about my visit to this brewery later.

9- I don’t own a ipad or iphone or a iproduct. Not true, I own an ipod because ….well....because. Doesn’t mean I actually like itunes.

8- I can’t multitask, so instead of writing another gem of my beer travels while watching Survivor is absolutely out of the question. And the tribe has spoken.

7- I don’t want any negative comments. Well, not that I’m particularly fond of negative comments; any comments would be fine.

6- My grammar and spelling errors landed me in the witness protection program. Yeap, all those errors are my own. Nobody’s else would claim them. And to my defense, word pad doesn’t not have spell check and my internet connections are spotty and unreliable which makes running spell check when posting almost impossible. I have thought about correcting them; but nay that would take too much time. (space check doens't workeither.)

.5- Writers block. Can’t think of what else to say about that. (Think about’s high level humor.)

4- Beer. Need I say more? Prost

!3- I need glasses and other signs of aging. Oh wait, this is a real reason, should it be on mylist???! Please skip this item.

2- I’ve been busy traveling the world and haven’t had the time. At least in my mind this is true but my reality is another matter.

1- What’s a blog?????!!!!

Welcome back! Nice to see you again and thanks for your patience as I get back into the swing of the blog. I do enjoy sharing my adventures and looking for humor in all. It’s been a crazy year but let me tell you.... I’m back!!!


  1. Good to have you back! Now I guess I should go write on my blog.

  2. You Need to blog because laughter is as important as Zumba in our quest for optimum health. Love it!
