Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Don't know much about blogging or the Spanish I took

A guest blogger is like the guest you unwillingly invite to dinner and hope they leave right after dessert.  So, I thought I would talk a little about when not to blog and since I am not a blogger, what better subject.  Don't you like when people who don't know they're talking about are telling you what to do. It reminds me of work.  Crappers, now I'm doomed by saying the 4 letter word while on vacation.  Ok, slow down their tiger and get back on track.

To blog or not to blog ....  I'm sure that is always a blogger's question.  So, here's a few easy know it all tricks.  Never, no never, blog after a 16 hour International flight.  Between a snoring neighbor and the long list of movies you just had to see, sleep takes a back seat, near the restroom if possible.  I can't wait for the return flight.  My counterpart tried blogging which I must say went well, but her downfall was the downloaded picture of me sitting next to her favorite subject, beer, in my underwear.  Of course, posting it without noticing the glaring white colored legs glowing next to her beer pic.  Although in fairness, we almost peed our pants when we saw it later.  And yes, we did not delete it.

Drinking and blogging, need I say more.  I believe we can add blogging with two other things you think you can do while drinking.   For all you non-drinkers, singing and dancing are the other two.  It's like going out partying on a Friday night and waking up Saturday morning sleeping on a park bench wondering what the heck happened.  Nobody likes a falling down drunk or a boozed out blog.

Lonely, sad, emotionally traumatized?  Don't blog.  We all have pathetic lifes when compared to Donald Trump, at least that's what he'd like you to think.  Pick yourself up and put yourself together before you write the lines that could change the fate of history or at least be embarrassing to all your followers who you don't reallky know anyway.  Just kidding, I love you all.

Ok, three simple blogging rules to live by.  I like this blogging thing, maybe I'll blog on my return trip, but only after I've had a couple of drinks following an argument with my wife.  Anyone want to dance while I sing "That's the way I like it."  


  1. well done!! must admit that i did chuckle and call carl over to the above mentioned pic of the white legs. keep on posting/blogging

  2. Great blog, Dan! Now, time for ouzo!!!
