Saturday, May 4, 2013

How NOT to Pack

Time to Pack!

Thanks Rick Steve’s. No seriously, thank-you! Because of your books, DVD’s, PBS show and attending your free travel seminars in Washington State; I have learned to travel through the back door, with purpose and only with a backpack.

And we have the opportunity to travel again. And pack. And travel light.
European Trip June 2004 126
The backpack is bigger than it looks

The first time we traveled to Europe, I took only a backpack as Rick Steve’s suggested. However, it was a huge backpack and I crammed it with clothes. Carrying 50 pounds on my back was taxing and we skipped some sightseeing spots due to the excessive weight of backpack. Just wasn’t interested in walking any distance much less across the street.

Lesson learned: Don’t heap the backpack full of stuff. .
The great idea of a wheeled bag

The second time, I took the same backpack but didn’t squeeze a bunch of clothes into it. However, the weather was so very cold and rainy (in the middle of August) I had to buy warm sweaters, rain jackets and pants. I found hidden pockets and wedged my items into them. My backpack was such a burden it made our first trip seem easy.

Lesson learned: Take a smaller backpack.

The third trip, I couldn’t find a backpack to suit my needs so I bought a carry-on, with wheels. Goodie! No more bag on my back to weigh me down. However, I learned to condense and compressed my items into my bag. No airline would let me carry it on due to weight. I had it at 69 pounds. And when a small carry-on is that heavy wheeling it becomes deadweight. And troublesome. And I had the bruised ankles to prove it.
Look, no carry-on; it's too heavy.

Lesson learned: I know how to squeeze items like sardines in a bag of any size.

This trip. Back to the backpack. I have a tiny backpack. Some would call it a book bag. On a short, one week trip to Arizona I was able to fit the backpack underneath the seat on the airlines. This trip, I am only packing one workout jacket with a hoodie; one tee shirt, one tank top, a pair of shorts, and a skirt. I will wear the only pants & long sleeved shirt. That’s it. Okay Mom, I will pack a couple pair of underwear as well. My goal is to keep it light weight and able to check onto an airplane. I suspect my camera, notebook & makeup bag will take up more room and weight. Maybe this time I’ll travel lighter; maybe this time I’ll learn to stuff my goodies in my husband’s bag.
My new, small backpack

We’ll see.

As Rick Steve’s would say, Happy Travels and see you next time.

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