Sunday, May 26, 2013

Another walk

"Do you want to drink." The waiter says to us.  Then he continues with a question,"or are you here to eat?"

I would be questioning us as well, or kicking us out of the high class,  you usually need a reservatation resturant in which the cheapest dish starts at almost $40. We are in shorts, tank tops,  and dirty ankles and feet. I'm sure we smell as well.  The people around us are wearing slacks and the women dresses and heals.

"We are here to drink, maybe have something to nibble," I tell the waiter.

"Of course'" he says and leads us to a table overlooking the ocean  and the sunset view that will occur within the hour.

We walked from our hotel to the town of Oia. I read in one of the guide books that it was one of the top 10 things to do here on the island.

We tell the guy, Kosta at the front desk what we are doing. He tells us it will take "two hours if you walk fast, don't stop for pictures or three hours to take a couple of rests and with pictures." And he goes on, "If you make it." If???!!! Like who says that to me..... game on!

The first part of the walks is all steps and up hill. But its so pretty. Every step is worth a picture.  About 40 minutes later, the path become loose gravel but level. Okay, I can do this. We walk past resorts on the cliffside. This must be where the rich stay.  About 20 minutes after that, the path becomes a mix of gravel and  lava rock. And its all uphill. And its all in the sun. And very windy. Gusts of wind. My hat won't stay on. And its over 80. Did I say its all uphill??

We wonder where alll the other walkers are. If its in all the guide books, how come we are the only ones????

We stop for a break on the mountain top. Another couple is there. They too, are walking the route. Finally, other people. Unlike us, they are smart and have brought a bottle of wine and cheese.  They are making the most of their rest period.

I want pictures. Its a million feet down on one side and on the other side the of the 4 foot wide trail is only a few hundred feet down. Dan says the height is freaking him out,  no pictures. He needs to leave.

In all, the hike took us 2.5 hours.  Once we got to town, all I wanted to do is sit and  watch the sun set. The western point of the city is where everyone watches the sunset. And its packed with people. Oh swell. Thus the high class resturant.  Our waiter did treat us well.

I left a tip. (A big deal here in Europe. European's dont tip like Americans.)

The sunset will be the best sunset I ever see; in Greece.

And no, I would not do this hike again nor recommend it to you. Just take the bus.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos! Love the beautiful white-washed building, the Mediterranean, and the sunset photo! I’m with Dan. I felt afraid of the cliffs, just looking at the pictures!
