Thursday, May 16, 2013

Memory Maker

Creating memories....for others  

First the tomb of the unknown solider.

We first walked past at 4 am. Jet lag you know. So we watched the march and knew the rules of the imginary line you can't cross. We returned later that afternoon to capture a few photos and to help others create memories.  

First, a British couple.  I told her the best shots of the walking pom pom toed soliders are from the side. She nodded at agreement with me and ran off to snap a few photos. Before she could snap her fingers much less her shutter, a  hoard (okay only really a couple) of soliders came aafter her..."You can not stand here" the solider scorn her. She quickly runs  away as I hear her husband said "do you have to get in  trouble everywhere we go??"  

The couple I pray on is a young Japanese couple. I offer to take their picture together with the solider. I know the rules, pictures only one person at a time. The young couple agree this is a good idea hand over the camera. They too, are quickly scorned by the police and told to leave the area immediately. I believe they'll like the shot I got...the shot of disbelief and embrassment on their faces.  

Oh, don't worry, I'm equal opportunity.  

We visited the National Archaeological Museum. The rules are, enjoy the pieces; look, don't touch and no goofy photos.

Goofy. Yeap, thats the working in the introduction sheet along with the map. I wanted to test that word, goofy. So I had my husband pose the same way as a Bronze Statue of Zeus. You'd think all hell broke loose. The guardians of the room came running at Dan yelling "You can not do that. You must delete your photo."  

Now I know goofy means posing the same as a 1000 year old statue. Some of those poses are goofy but at least Dan had his pants on unlike Zeus.   Who shall I create a memory for next????

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