Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's FREE!

One weary coffee drinking blogger

Blogger. That’s what I am now. Can’t say I’ve mastered grammar as well as I have the commitment to post musing of my life weekly.  However, I must admit I’m a bit sad. Last week I had three people read my blog. Yes, three and I don’t even think one of those three people include my mom or my husband. So, I’ve considered a host of ideas to draw people to my blog.  Here is my list thus far:

1.   Free Beer. Oh wait, I don’t know if I can offer free beer since the legal drinking age is 21. I don’t even know if you can legally offer free beer much less allow those under 21 to view my blog.  Case in point, go to  You must click on the button agreeing you are over 21 to even read about beer.  Scratch that idea.

2. Free Coffee. It’s not I’m into the free stuff but everyone should love coffee as much as I do and I just want to share that with the world. I realize not everyone shares my fondness. Plus, I have a couple good friends (okay you caught me only two) who are Mormon and I think one of them already reads my blog.

3.   Naked photos. That will capture attention. A couple of problems of posting nude photos. One, who would they be of to attract reads and not repeal? And two, do I really want those readers who want to look at nude photos on my blog?!?! Definitely scratch that idea.

4.   Can’t think of a fourth.  All of the other ideas running through my head are those free offers (be the 100th person to read my blog and you’ll win a free computer. Everyone knows that no one gets the free computer.)  So I suppose I’ll have to address the lack of readership in another manner. Such as stop being  predictable. Me, predictable? Does everyone in the world know I love bacon on maple bars? Or that the color purple simply makes me happy?  Oops, maybe.

I suppose it all boils down to only getting people to the blog but to keep them as well. I do hope those who read are enjoying the content. My blog goals are to focus on travel, drink (e.g. coffee & beer) and a few adventures along the way. You can subscribe via RSS feed on the bottom of the page.
To the faithful three, thank-you.

The regular musing of adventure continues next week. For now, I'm heading off to have a beer for breakfast, with bacon and waffles. Until then.



  1. As the mormon who reads your blog, I will take a free Henry Weinhard's ROOT beer. Oh and a pot of coffee to dye clothing.

  2. Anytime you need me to drink coffee...done! And I'll bring you the (root) Beer! PROST!
