Sunday, August 12, 2012

Zumba Classes OR How my Belly Dancing has Paid Off

Over 50 pounds gone

Finally my Belly-Dancing lessons have come in handy.

“Why don’t you blog about Zumba?” My Zumba friend inquired…and friend is a loose term since she lost over 50 pounds in seven months. (Like who can be friends with someone who can lose weight that quickly??!) She says it’s not all because of Zumba but attributes some of it to Weight Watchers. Whereas me, I celebrate losing a pound and mourn when I gain 10; both events without any significant effort. However, that would be a boring blog. Back to Zumba.

The Zumba crazy was started by an immigrant in Florida when asked to sub at his local gym the Aerobics class. Having never taken an Aerobics class he did what he didn’t know….and did a dance routine to Latin Music. And thus, Zumba was born.

The wave of Zumba first hit my area several years ago. Back in “those days” each class was $7.00 and you had to commit to 6 weeks at a time. Not for those pitching pennies no matter how much weight you wanted to lose. My partner (the gal with whom I’ve been working out with 5 times a week for the past 15 years) and I went to the free preview Zumba. Can’t say we were sold. Maybe it was the price. Maybe because we felt like uncoordinated fools. And no doubt we looked the part.

Almost a year ago, my partner wants me to try out Zumba with her again. This time, it’s at her church and it’s only $2 bucks a class. Since she is my partner, I said yes without any zest or zeal, vin or vigor. (Whatever that is supposed to mean.)

This time, I still felt like an uncoordinated fool, however I could figure out the routine and I liked the instructor. I purchased the punch card and made the commitment.

Zumba has a lot of core body work. Lots of moving of the waist and abs…and making me grateful I know how to do belly rolls thanks to my year worth of lessons of Belly Dance. The moves area always the same to whatever song they play. The moves in the chorus is always the same and always to the beat of the song. If you can move your feet, you can Zumba. Mind you, you might feel like Jim Carey in Pet Detective running around in a tut-tut looking like a fool but you will feel as good as Jennifer Beal in Flash dance. (Sorry, could not think of an Belly Dance references.)

Zumba is the only time I look forward to hearing a Justin Bieber Song.

Will I be seeing you in class soon????

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I need a private lesson. Do you think you could teach me everything you learned about belly dancing during your year of lessons in maybe 5 minutes or less? Maybe that would help me quit looking like an uncoordinated fool, although of course a very svelte uncoordinated fool. these days! I should do an "after" picture in the tutu! Then again, I'm pretty sure a tutu makes one look fat. Nice blog, "friend"!
