Sunday, October 9, 2011

when is Too Much Service Too Much??

Too say our hotel in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico is swanky is a gross understatement.

We arrived to Cabo to a blanket of heat. The second we step off the airplane it embraced us. My sweat had sweat. After the ordeal of immegration and customs, we walked madly fast past the peddlers of service all of the guise of being friendly to the outer edges of the airport to find our ride provided by the hotel. No, the sign didn't have our name on it but they greeted us like it did and check off our name on a clip board. The porter grabbed my bag and ushered into a van. The service only got better, or worse from there.

The hotel porter opened the van door and offered his hand to me. No, wait. He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the van like a 65 year old woman. He grabbed my bag and took me to the check in line. He wished me well and yet, handed out his hand. This was the third tip of the day and I hadn't even checked into the hotel.

After checking in (tip) and the next person to grab me offered me free drinks and breakfast. (tip please.) She showed me where to stand in line to get the golf cart driver to take me to my room. Mind you, I'd rather walk anyday. I did what I was told and waited in line for my personal essort to my room. (tip please.)

Our hotel is on a hill. And after being driven around via golf cart I could see why people prefer that serive for as climbing hills on vacations sucks. There isn't a better word for it. It sucks. The hills and switchbacks makes Lambari Street in San Fransciso look like childs play with it's 8 hairpin switch backs. however, my personal view is that the hotel wants carts to caddy people around for the tip. No sidewalks or naturally safe areas to walk around the hotel are in place. Prehaps an oversight?

Our entire experience checking in, handing out tips took over an hour. Yeap, a hour to be toted around.

Is that when too much service is too much??

And oh, to relax from all this service, we went to the pool. Pool towels, tip please.


  1. I must've been the one taking all the pictures! ;)Margoette
