Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Very Long Line

As you may know by now, Sammy Hagar is playing this week in Cabo. Four times to be exact. And its for his birthday. What a bash. His cantina he purchased back in his Van Halen days (who were owners by sold their shares to Sammy when the band broke up) holds grand total of 400 people and Sammy likes to play at his bar, a small ventue for his birthday.

A few tickets being sold a few days before the show Sammy calls "dinner tickets." What you get is a chance to actually get tickets while in Cabo (and not on the internet a few months before which sold out in minutes) and a dinner all for the price of 95 bucks and two days in line. Not a typo, two days.

We went to Cabo Wabo to check it out, to know where we'll be in two days. And there was people every. In line. Acting crazy. I talked to one couple towards the front of the line. The had a cooler, lawn chairs and matteress for sleeping all for the chance to buy dinner show tickets. By the time the tickets are released and if they get them, they woulld of been in line for two and half days. And then there is the line to actually get into the bar to see the show. I was told by yet another person in line to be there by noon the day of the show IF we want a good place to stand on the floor for the 9 pm show. Serious? Nine hours to stand in line see a show? Keep in mind, it's over 90 degress in Cabo and shadow is lacking in the line up aera. I think I might melt. I think I am going to need to sit a bit. I had to search around and find my husband. I lost him in one of the lines. He is retired military after all.

But wait, there is more.

The people in line told me that tonight, Sammy's friend Kenny Chesney is playing, along with Sammys band Chicken Foot. I hope that rumor is true, I'd sure like to sing along with Kenny.

In two days, we'll be in that line. I have disreguard the idea of sleeping in line for dinner show tickets. I have tickets for one of the shows and that appears to be more than most. For now, I am satififed.


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