Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sammy's Birthday Bash

Sammy Hagar and Vic Anderson, Cabo Wabo

Mecca to Sammy Hagar's Birthday Bash

Our flight from Portland to Cabo was packed. The airline asked for volunteers to give up their seats in exchange for a first class seat out the next day and a four hundred voucher. Temping as it was, we declined. After all, I'm on my mecca to see Sammy Hagar play at his bar on his birthday.

Our seatmate were making their 7th trip to Cabo to see Sammy. They had left their three young children at home for the week. They claim it's the best part of their year. The people sitting in front of us chimed in. They too, were going to see Sammy.

In the van from the aiport, the couple sitting next to us were also going to see Sammy. She was 6 months pregnant and they had left two small children at home.

Shortly after we checked into our room, we went to Cabo Wabo to "check it out." Lines around the buidling. People standing about everywhere.

And then things really got crazy show day.
Wristbands & ready to rock

Our email said wristbands to be released at 2:00. We arrived about 1:30 and there was already a line to get wristbands. The line had security guys making sure people were not taking cuts or doing other rude things. To get your wristband, you had to show your email & id matching the email. They would look you up on the list and write in your ID type and number and then have you sign for the band, and they put the band on your wrist. After that, you'd go to yet another line to wait for the show to start at 9:30 pm. Yes, not a typo again. The doors to the cantina opens for the show at 7:30.

Now standing in lines for 9 hours isn't at the top of my "to do list." And standing in a line that long in 95 degree heat, in the sun is really off my list. Crazy I know. To avoid some of the line wait, we went into the Cabo Wabo Cantina for lunch and a couple of beers and to check out the place.

It's a small ventue. Any place you'd stand would be a good place to stand. So why the lines??? Because everyone wants to be front center of the stage, self included.

We ate lunch at Cabo Wabo. The cantina was closing early by 3 pm to prepare for the nights entertainment. The waitress said they didn't want to make us any lunch but I asked nicely twice and she agreed the cook would. By 3:00, we were kicked out into the hot sun, line and no shade.

And to the line we went. By my count, we were 40 people back. Not too shabby. And we made new friends. It seems everyone in line knew everyone else. People found it odd this was our first time, our first year. The crowd was young to old. One girl who looked a whole 21 said she's been coming here since she was 13 with her dad. And one guy from Iowa told me he's been coming for 15 years and he did know everyone in line. With all the friendly converstation and chit chat, the time went by fairly fast as only time can when it's 95 degress outside. Drinking beer and water purchased from a corner market for a buck helped. As the time got closer to the cantina opening, the line in front of us expanded.

And then the cantina opened. Security people checked everyones wristband to make sure it was on tight and real and told you to walk in or risk being removed from the ventue. And to the front of the stage we went. I was off to the right of the stage and only two people in front of me. Once inside, only a two hour wait, standing firmly planted so you wouldn't get pushed or moved from your tiny spot. The guy behind me knew the back of my body fairly well. I kept thinking it was my husband but it wasn't. The guy kept telling me sorry, it wasn't his fault he was being pushed. I finally forgave him when he told me it was his 40th birthday and he was there alone. Still tho, it didn't give him the right to feel me up. Anyhow.

Two hours inside the sweatbox creaped by. Not even the music and the televisons helped. It's hard to stand that long firmly planted and then, it didn't matter. Sammy entered the stage.

Micheal Anthony 
My mecca to see Sammy was over. There he was on stage doing his thing. He played mostly his older stuff. He had with him stage his buddy and former Van Halen member and current Chicken Foot member Micheal Anthony. Those two boys pounded a few beers and drank shots of tequilla. Sammy had a few more of his friends join him on stage to play the drums and television food personailty Guy.

Sammy played some Van Halen tunes and Micheal Anthony played and sang "Running with the Devil". Sammy played a couple of fan favorites including "I can't drive 55" and "Heavy Metal."

Sammy Hagar and friends on his Bday
Ninety minutes later the show was over. People didnt leave right away. People exchanged contact information with other people. Even I got a few business cards so I could find my new friends oops, I mean Red Heads on Facebook.

I kept my wristband on. It's now a status thing. "Oh, you went to Sammy's birthday bash." And its a becon for other Red Heads. "Great show, how long have you've been going??"

Yeap, I am now offical one of those people, those RedHead people.

Rock on.


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