Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Stories I Only Tell My Friends; the Skirt

I am a skirt loving gal. I like the long hippy broomstick skirts in various shades of purple or black and sometimes white. I like them bedazzled. And I wear them to work on a daily basis.

One sunny day, I strolled around the downtown blocks during a lunch break. As I was nearing my work place and a crosswalk, I saw my husband’s truck coming down the road. Confident he would not hit his very lovely wife I bravely stepped into the cross walk and the truck slowed. I knew he would. I continued across the road and when I got to the middle I turned to face my husband and impulsively decided to give him a show. Yeap, you guess it; I raised my skirt. I hiked it up over my waist. The truck stopped. I laughed in spite of myself and waved my husband forward. I wondered if he was laughing with me.

The truck wouldn’t budge. As I continue to wave my husband forward I am now telling him outloud to pull up and see me. The truck remains still and I see the driver shake his head. Oh good grief, why wouldn’t my husband pull forward? He is now starting to make me angry. Surely the show wasn’t that bad. I think I was wearing a pair of stylish briefs and not my big white pair of grandmother-style panties.

I walk to towards the car and examine the license plate. The plate didn’t look like my husband’s specialized plate. I look closer at the driver; he has lots of hair; my husband doesn’t. Oh crap! It’s not my husband. Immediately, I  hanged my head low and buried it in my chest and charged into to work. I couldn’t believe I did that. I wonder who else saw? I wonder what that driver thought?

I told my husband that night what I had done. Not to surprised at my actions. He just said he hoped the driver was alone otherwise I may of started a long day & night for the driver.

A few days later, we were looking for a parking spot at a grocery store lot. I saw the truck that looks identical to my husband. I hit the floor board and begging my husband to keep on driving. 

My husband suggested I start looking for pants to wear.

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