Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cigar Cigar

I was told by a Norwegian immmigrant who has lived in Crete 15 years it never rains in the summer.

Currently, it's raining.

Maybe people just tell you things you want to hear. Maybe its the truth at the time.

As we were running lost to find the bus station, I ran upto a man who was minding his own business standing in his private walk-way to ask him where the bus station was. Actually, I was ruder than that and just pointed to the bus station on the map. I assumed since he was a grandfather looking man he didn't speak English. Kindly he says to me,  "I don't see so good anymore. Just tell me where you want to go."
"The bus station, and quickly" I say to him.
He takes my hand and slowly walks me down his walkway, and then out to the middle of the street. Precious minutes are ticking away.  He points down the street in the direction we were already going.
"See that white building down the road?" He asks me.
"You walk to that building, turn right and then ask someone else'" he says to me, smiling and releases my hand.

The Norwegian immigrant who lied to me about the weather also told me the Cretan motto is "Cigar Cigar" which means "Slowly slowly."

We hustle off to the bus station..

We found the station with two minutes before the bus we want is scheduled to leave. We dodge the people and quickly made our way to the ticket booth.

"Two tickets to the gorge'" I tell the lady behind the counter.
"Why you in such a hurry?" She asks me.
"The bus leaves now" I inform her.
"It's sold out for today."
I look stunned at my husband. Now what.
"Take it slow" she tells me. "Come back tomorrow."

Cigar  cigar.

We took rest of the day slow.

Went to a winery, had the grand tour. Our host from Norway. We sat with a couple from Sweden. They were impressed we took the bus 20 miles out of town and then walked a  mile to find the winery.  They offered to take us around the western side of the island. We declined. They offered to take us back to our hotel.

We declined.

Instead, we spent almost 4 hours at the winery, drinking and eating cheese & Olive Oil trying to live the Cretan  motto which could be the truth of the day.


  1. The winery looks delicious and the food is very appealing, bring me some!! DDLW

  2. "Cigar, Cigar"... the only other time I've heard this it's followed by "cigarettes?" I like the Cretan way much better! Seems like you've been gone FOREVER... but, I finally took the time to slow down (cigar) and actually take a break to catch up on some fanfabulous bloggsters blog! (fyi: that's you!) After reading about your journey and seeing all the photo's.... I almost feel as though I've been there myself, but alas... that dream has fallen flat... (LOL) Thanks for the vacations that I primarily live vicariously through you... (((HUGS))) M

  3. Cigar, cigar. There's truth in that. Hey! Another great blog! I am lov'in reading about Crete. Don't hurry home, it's pouring here.
