Sunday, May 19, 2013


 I've been to the center of the earth and its on a mountain hillside. 

Actually its a mountain cliff. 

How people built a city and the temple to worship Zeus without a car or anti-motion sickness pills I'll never understand.  

According to tradition, Delphi was the geographical center of the world. The first traces of habitation in this cliff side dates back to Mycenaean times 14- 11th c. B.C. People flocked from all around the ancient world to ask the Oracles seeking advise. Our guide tells us many stories about Zeus. 

To sum up Zeus was married to a jealous woman and Zeus loved (almost) all women and had many children. His  children thus became gods. Zeus appointed all his children (all but one was illegitimate) control over certain aspects of the world; such as the god of the ocean, goddess of love, the goddess of beer. (I made that one up.) Naturally after climbing the hill like a goat to take pictures of the alter to Zeus, the stadium, the amphitheater there was a museum. Our tour guide must love museums. She can talk unmercifully forever at every piece. The security guards in each room had to ask her to move on. (I would of gladly paid for that if I had thought of it sooner.)

After another high-priced lunch near the ocean, back to the bus for a four hour ride. Lucky us, today's stop was at a rest stop. Not the same excitement as a bridge or an canal but our tour guide did say we could snap pictures. Gratefully, no museum.

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