Thursday, May 16, 2013


Reflections of Athens  
The iconic symbol of Athens everyone knows. Everyone wants to visit. Also one most important ancient site in the western world.  
The Acropolis.  
The Acropolis has been the heart of the city since the beginning of recorded time (Neolithic area, 6800 B.C. ) and tourist taking pictures of ever since. However, the Acropolis has been looted, vandalized and bombed before recorded history (I made that part up...before record history. I am just assuming that the cavemen had robbery's and low lives as well.) This land and the surrounding area in which the Acropolis sits has layer and layer of different ruins from every time period. Scientist and historians have made some SWAG (scientific wild ass-guesses) on what is what, and what happened.  
With all that being said; don't set your expectations too high.
Oh sure there is the cool factor of saying I've been there and got the photo but its much like a visit to the Grand Canyon. Once you get there, what is the proper amount of time do you spend looking at it before you leave for lunch??
It is, after all just a bunch of columns standing up right. Oh sure, I had the thrill of standing in front of the very first Olympic Stadium where the very first race from Marathon ended; sitting on the steps of the worlds oldest stage, and the thrill of walking the path of Plato.
However, I wouldn't make a trip to Athens just to see the Acropolis.  
I would make a trip to Greece for the ancient history, for the Archaeological Museum, the food, the adventure.   Not to see the site on the hill. But if you come this better.  
And be sure to take the picture.

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