Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Entertaining yourself at 21,000 feet

The promise of a flight.......entertainment with a view.
Flying. Booking your ticket to travel to some distant land is always so exciting. You start planning what to pack, what you'll do and then it hits you'll have to spend a whole day in flight just to get there. And then you'll wonder if the airline will have any sort of entertainment package. Don't worry, I have created this list just for you. To help you pass the time and for very little cost, here is my 10 ten list for in flight activity.

10- Yoga. That stretching and such is suppose to be good for you, keep you young and limber. You'll have plenty of time to learn poses. Start now.

9- Write a blog. Heck, forget the whole writing concept just write a book and be done with it. Who knows, it could be a best seller. Now that would make your travel miles really pay off.

Yum, Airline Food.
8- New York Times Crossword.  Requires thought, intelligence and asking your neighbor what the synonym of acquiesce is. Sounds difficult and time consuming already. I'll pass on this one.

7- Exercise. Lunges to the bathroom. Jumping jacks while waiting. Front toe touches on the way back your seat. Repeat 100x.

6-  Write a love letter. Sign it as seat 22c and have the airline steward deliver it to seat 10b. Sit back and watch either the sparks fly or sparks that really fly.

5- Mediate. Clear your mind. I think you are suppose to close your eyes and say UMMM out loud, really loud … a lot or until you fall asleep and then you won’t have to worry about mediating once you are asleep.
4- Be sociable. Just push that little button above your seat. The airline attendant will come to you to talk. Isn’t that great??!! You can talk about the weather, what’s for dinner, etc. And when they leave just push that little button again & again. Ta da! New friends at the push of a button.

3- Sing in the bathroom. “We Are the Champions” by Queen is always a good tune to start with. Remember, the louder you sing the better you sound.

Will you be my seat mate???

2- Read. Riffle through the seat backs of fellow passengers. See what they are reading. Take what you’d like.

1- Start a new hobby like making model airplanes. Test it out. I hope mine will fly.

I hope you are my next seat mate!

Until then, Prost.

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