Saturday, July 7, 2012

Bacon-Free Birthday Day

Free Beer and Free Tee Shirts

“Hey Birthday girl” the bartender says to me, “take these beers to the table behind you.”
“Okay boss” I respond.
“Birthday girl.”
“Yes boss.”
“Deliver these beers to the table two off to your right.”
Joyfully I deliver the beer and tell them it’s my birthday.

If you are a Rogue Ale card-carrying member, take your card and Driver's License on your actual Birthday for your Free ½ liter of beer (your choice) and a tee-shirt (your choice of the short sleeved ones.)

What’s the catch???

None. Membership has it’s privileges.

The cost to me, however is higher.

I was at the second Rogue Ale in Newport sitting at the bar with my husband. Shortly after we arrive the flood gates open the place is packed. That is when the bartender put me to work. I’m such a naturally shy person this really take me out of my comfort zone. (And for those who know me you should of spit out your beer just then.) With zest and zeal I worked for my second-of-day free beer and tee shirt.

We arrived promptly at the Bay Front Rogue Ale the designated opening time of 11:00 for the first of four anticipated beers. The menu looked good and heck, it’s my birthday so I had Mac & Cheese before heading across the bridge to Rogue the Brewery and pit stop #2.

After the fun and interaction with the patrons and bartender we took off two hours later for the Rogue Farm near Independence Oregon. The farm is, well quite frankly in the middle of farmland surrounds by Hops and Hazelnut trees. I had my next pint of beer, tee-shirt # 3 and played lawn games. The weather was warm and after all that beer I was feeling...well...I was feeling not so fine and I had to call it a day. My plan was to finish the day at Rogue Ale in Track Town, USA (or Eugene Oregon to you non-Oregonians.)

I know, it’s lame I didn’t drink the entire day on my birthday. But to my defense I did have to work the next day and I’m no longer in my terrible twos (22.) I suppose you slow down a bit when you turn 29 again.

Until next year, Prost.

And oh, if you haven’t done it yet go get your FREE membership so you too can gather up all the free tee shirts as you roam from Rogue-to-Rogue. And oh, take a DD. (Designated Driver)

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