Thursday, April 11, 2013


Before the Timber Game, Jeld Wen Field

When a tree falls in the woods, do you yell Timber??

If you at soccer game in Portland, you would. And you’d be yelling a heck of lot more than that.

At a brewery in Bisbee Arizona.
My professional soccer cherry was broken this past Saturday night. On a whim, I purchased two tickets to the season sold out, stadium sold out game. I’ve heard how Portlanders are crazy about their soccer and I wanted to experience it for myself.

Okay, that’s not the truth. The real reason is that I own Timbers sweatshirt. My husband purchased Timbers sweatshirts for us about a year ago so we could board first on Alaska Airlines. Since we only carry-on luggage spending $20 on clearance shirts seemed like a bargin in order to board first and place our bags in the overhead bin. And thought it time I wore the sweatshirt to a game.

However, I am told by my brother simply wearing the sweatshirt is not good enough; I need the Timbers scarf. Serious? Serious. After finding a $6.00 parking garage near the stadium narrow enough that only a Smart Car could comfortability park and drive in; we made our way to the Jeld Wen field hours before the game to visit the Fans store to potentially buy a scarf. After all, we wanted to fit in.
Yes, what this blog should be all about....
The scarves are not cheap, starting at $30 and the “scarf of the month” is slightly discounted at $28 bucks. So much for fitting in. We didn’t buy.

Walking to our favorite section of Portland to eat and shop, the Pearl district we witnessed all the Timber scarves walking past us. Tons of them. Everyone was wearing them but us.

At one of my favorite stores, one of the sales girl was more excited that us about us going to the game. Her exact words in which she said numerous times, “I’m so jealous; those games are so much fun. I’m so jealous. Wish I could go.” Now that I’ve typed that, it sounds lame. But her enthusiasm for us going to the game was almost embarrassing to me. Or maybe it was because I wasn't wearing a scarf and she was.

Game time rolls around and let me tell you, it was was out-of-this-world. Our cheap seats were covered. Score! A big deal in the pouring rain, and such a great relief.

We sat in our cheap seats surrounded by scarves. Young, old, and babies in front carry packs had on a scarf. But us. I saw one person wearing two of them. I considered snagging one of hers...but.....
The Timber Army

And those Timber fans are CRAZY. They stood the entire time, they chanted and made noise continually sang the ENTIRE time (most of the songs were Christmas tunes re-worked) and they flung around those scarves. At one point, people held their scarves in front of them like a banner. What that was all about; I don’t know. I also learned that Salvador sucks. The fans chatted about him sucking. (What he did, who he is and why he sucks, again I don’t know.) Some of the chats to me sounded like they either had stress or transmitted diseases. Maybe both. Maybe I need to go to a hearing specialist. I didn't hear any songs about scarves tho. Maybe by then I was deaf from the continually chat of the crowd.

What it was; it was nothing like I had ever experience. I do know this,

When I root, I root for the Timbers! And you better wear a scarf!


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