Sunday, April 28, 2013

Just say NO to Bacon fest :( Part I

Yes, that's a maple bar with Bacon! 

Rogue Ale Eugene held their second annual Bacon Fest. For me, it was my first, last and only Bacon Fest.

This is such a sad statement for me.

First, I love bacon. Second, I love beer. Third, I'm a fan of Rogue. 

The Bacon fest was to start at 2:00. For $10 bucks it's beer and a box of pork. Oh goodie! Beer and bacon! Color me happy. My husband and I arrived promptly at 1:50 pm. Yes, for me that is prompt. Being on time, or late is not my personality. 

The Bacon Fest was behind Rogue Ale in a parking lot. Security and an orange fence surrounded the area. We were told by security we must enter the event through the restaurant. 

1:51 pm In the hot, small, long hallway we waited with a whole host of people. We could see through the dirty window at the end of hallway people in the event. Bold as I am, I go outside to inquire why people are outside and we are not. I am assured we will be outside soon; those people are shouldn't be there. 

2:12 pm, Twenty minutes and fifty people later, finally we are allowed to mix and mingle with the people who were allowed to entry through the outside gate. For our $10 we are given five tickets. 

Is this is sign to come???

2:17 pm I find us a a couple of chairs under the pop-up shade on this unseasonably warm day for Oregon. My husband stands in line for the beer. 

2:29 He returns with a tiny 8 ounce plastic cup with warm beer and a impressive foam head for four tickets. 

I found a Rogue Ale worker and ask about the tickets and pricing. Beer is 4 tickets, a taster of beer is one ticket. The box of pig and Voodoo donuts is free.

Okay then.

2:30 Voodoo donuts are offered on a back table hidden from most the festival. There is 250 people present.  There is only 100 donuts. I think we got the last maple bacon bar. I shared.

2:32 my warm beer is gone.
Too bad I didn't get any pig.

2:27 no pig yet. Our table mates leave. They cant buy cold beer inside Rogue ale and bring it outside and they can't buy more tickets for 8 ounces of warm beer. 

3:30 the pig is out. My husband takes pictures and I wait in a line of 300 people in the hot sun. 
 I even wore my Rogue shirt......oh well. Prost!

3:37 the first plates of pig are out. My husband pulls me out of the line. The boxes of pig are indeed a plate with one, yes one slice of pig.  He's not waiting in a hour long line for a bite of pig. 

3:40 And that was our experience of Rogue Ale Bacon Fest. Almost two hours for a few ounces of warm beer. 

Disgusted at being underwhelmed we are not impressed and won't be back despite my love affair with Rogue Ale.

Leaving Rogue Ale.....we find a new brewery.

Read part II.

Until then, Prost!

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