Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Travel Job Wanted!

Motivation is lacking. My goal was to blog about my unemployment and job search. No wonder I don’t have any readers. Who wants to read about my tragic issue? And if you are living it, and since unemployment is still looming at 10 percent and not getting any better, you defiantly not reading about what you are currently going through. I know, I get that.

You’ve heard it a hundred times, do what you love and the rest will follow. Not always so practical if you love yourself and just want to showcase that however thanks to reality TV you can. In fact, you can even graduate from a Utah College with a Bachelors degree in reality TV. I can’t make this stuff up folks. Well…. I can but why when the truth is always stranger than fiction (thanks Mark Twain for that quote.)

Embarking on my job hunt, I’ve listed my skills…they are:

• Drinking coffee. Hanging out in Coffee shops.

• Drinking Beer. And the good stuff. Not the cheap stuff that comes in a can.

• Eating chocolate. Darker the better.

• Bacon! Need I say more?

Oh Wait; those are the things I like to eat. I didn’t even add donuts to the list. Okay, let me try this again. My skills:

• Adventurous. Like to Travel and explore the world.

• Physically fit. Can ride a bike for 7 days in a row across countries, like Hungary.

• Stamina. Lots of it. Walked up a mountainside in Dubrovnik Croatia that had 27 switch backs.

Oh, not marketable skills you say. Hummm. Now I’m at an impasse.

Ideally, I’d like to combine those two skill sets. Eat, drink and travel. I don’t see myself as Anthony Bourdain. After all, he’s a chef with a witty sarcastic attitude who smokes and drinks. (I don’t smoke.) And I’ve watched Samantha Brown. I think she is a bit, dry. My sense of humor and adventure is greater than hers. And I don’t want to be Rick Steves and education people on traveling across Europe. Although Rick is my hero and I take his travel advice to heart.

Maybe, just maybe there is a niche for me. Maybe somebody needs a (gasp) a middle-aged woman who is sassy, witty and a bit zany with wild red hair and the personality to match.

1 comment:

  1. I would totally hire you! Don't have any money right now since I bought my new house but when I sell the old one...
