Monday, May 30, 2011

Job Search takes a holiday

Is it shameful to take a day off when you are going to be unemployed in 30 days? Do you want to hear that I took the whole weekend? At what point do we (you, me, the general population) expect people to look for work?
Don't turn your head to see if I'm gone or looking for work. I don't think it's shameful for me to take the weekend, the long holiday weekend off. The point it becomes tangled is when I collect my first unemployment check.
I know plenty of job seekers who treat unemployment as a break, as a vacation without the travel. It's an entitlement. I'm entitled to take off week, at least 24 of them before I start looking for work because I"ve worked my whole life and I'm entitled to it. Besides, the employer is paying for it, why not??? Okay, those may not be my sentiments but a large handful people I've meet.
Unemployment is still only 26 weeks, half the year; six months. After that, it's extensions. Some people have been successfully collecting unemployment for 99 weeks. Two years. In two years, I'll be two years older, hopefully two years closer to retirement if I have money in a 401k.
What will I be like? Will I be a 99 weeker? Will I wait until I'm actually collecting my first unemployment check to start looking or will be successful start today? I would like to think I will be looking for work and gaining employment before I actually leave my job in 30 days.
Perhaps if that is my goal I should get off my butt, er rather stop blogging and start typing out those applications.
In the meanwhile, I don't believe it's shameful to have job search take a holiday.

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